Convertitore mp3: Download Free e Uso Online

Se hai bisogno di un convertitore mp3 senza troppe paranoie ho due soluzioni per te:

  1. Un convertitore mp3 che puoi scaricare gratis, direttamente da qui, che ti permette di convertire file audio APE, Flac, Mpc, Ogg, Wav e Wma in Mp3 e viceversa. Significa che puoi partire da uno qualsiasi di questi formati e puoi arrivare a quello che preferisci.
  2. Un sito che ti permette di non scaricare niente e di usare il convertitore mp3 online  Zamzar, dove carichi il tuo file audio e te lo fai spedire direttamente nella casella di posta elettronica.

Soluzione 1: Download del convertitore Mp3 in italiano Free Wma Converter 2.1

Questo è il convertitore mp3 da scaricare di cui ti ho parlato lì sopra. Non farti ingannare dal nome, non converte solo da wma a mp3, ma ha tutti i formati. Adesso ti spiego cosa devi fare:

1) Clicca qui per scaricare gratis il convertitore mp3

2) Se windows ti rogna chiedendo se sei sicuro di voler scaricare il programma, acconsenti. Una volta scaricato, fai doppio clicl per decomprimerlo e poi fai click su “convertitoremp3.exe” per poter aprire l’installazione.

3) La schermata di installazione ti presenta due scelte. Scegli la seconda e togli le due spunte, per evitare che ti installi schifezze nel computer. Guarda la schermata qui sotto:

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4) Una volta installato, scegli la lingua “italiano” e poi apri il convertitore mp3 Free Mp3 Wma Converter (c’è un’icona verde con due frecce sul tuo desktop, non puoi sbagliarti).

5) Scegli il bottone “aggiungi file” e aggiungi tutti i file che vuoi convertire. Dal menu sulla destra “configurazione output” vai sul menu “Formato Output” e scegli il formato che ti interessa (per esempio Mp3). Non fare quella faccia, non è un casino, guarda l’immagine qui sotto, trovi la sequenza indicata in 3 punti, da fare ovviamente in ordine.

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Una volta selezionati i file, premi il pulsante “converti!” come ti ho indicato nel punto 3 dell’immagine qui sopra. Ecco fatto, ora hai un convertitore mp3 gratis e puoi convertire tutti i tuoi file musicali.

Ho provato ad ascoltare il risultato del lavoro di questo convertitore mp3 su iTunes e su Windows Media Player ed il risultato è buono: non ti preoccupare, non ci sono limitazioni nella qualità dei file o nella durata. Mica ti propongo schifezze, su.


Soluzione 2: Convertitore Mp3 Online

Questa soluzione è più semplice ed è una buona idea se non vuoi installare niente nel tuo computer e vuoi un convertitore mp3 a portata di mano anche se ti trovi sul pc di un amico. Ecco tutti i passaggi che devi fare:

1) Clicca qui per aprire Zamzar, il convertitore mp3 online

2) Segui questi 4 passaggi:

  1. clicca su “Scegli File” e carica il file che vuoi convertire
  2. Clicca su “Convert File(s) to…” nello step 2 e scegli dal menu a discesa enorme il formato di destinazione che ti interessa (Mp3, Wma ecc). Guarda che i formati audio stanno in mezzo, dove c’è scritto “Audio formats”. Sì ne hanno un casino.
  3. Inserisci una casella e-mail dove vuoi ricevere il file convertito. Non credo ti mandino spam, ma se non ti fidi, metti la tua mail per lo spam. Dai lo so che ti sei fatta o fatto una mail apposta per ste cose. E se non l’hai fatto, falla adesso.
  4. Premi il bottone “convert”, vai a prenderti una coca e torna tra 5 minuti. Nella tua casella di posta trovi il file convertito. Comodo eh?
Se ti perdi, guarda l’immagine qui sotto, vedrai che è abbastanza semplice:
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Anche in questo caso, come nel convertitore mp3 da scaricare lì sopra, ho voluto controllare la qualità del file scaricato: vai tranquilla (o tranquillo!) il risultato è buono e non si perde in qualità.

adesso diffondi il convertitore mp3! :-)

Spero di esserti stato utile: se questo articolo ti è stato utile non fare il furbetto tenendoti tutto per te, ma condividilo con i tuoi amici col pulsante di Facebook qui sotto… o di twitter. Insomma, quello che preferisci.

E se ti va lasciami un commento. Ciao!

Questa voce è stata pubblicata in Convertitore mp3 e contrassegnata con . Contrassegna il permalink.

37 risposte a Convertitore mp3: Download Free e Uso Online

  1. laura scrive:

    Ho optato per free Mp3…ma i file mp4 non li converte…infatti quando ho fatto aggiungi file non li vede…tu dicevi che c’erano tutti i formati :'(

  2. giubtt scrive:

    sto cercando di scaricare il file, dal momento che non posso collegarmi sempre online, dalla descrizione sembra ottimo, ma durante il download mi dice ke il file potrebbe essere dannoso e di annullare (non mi da’ neanche la voce di continuare a scaricare) .. e non so cosa devo fare… :(

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    Updated: Sunday, January 25 2015 6:16 PM EST2015-01-25 23:16:17 GMTThere was a shooting inside of a Home Depot store in Chelsea. Police say two employees were killed in a murder-suicide.There was a shooting inside of a Home Depot store in Chelsea. Police say two employees were killed in a murder-suicide.Updated: Saturday, January 24 2015 3:38 PM EST2015-01-24 20:38:58 GMTThe MTA has canceled some weekend work because of the weather but is moving ahead with work on the 4, 5, 6, 7, A, C, E, Q and the 42nd Street shuttle.The MTA has canceled some weekend work because of the weather but is moving ahead with work on the 4, 5, 6, 7, A, C, E, Q and the 42nd Street shuttle.Updated: Friday, January 23 2015 11:12 PM EST2015-01-24 04:12:44 GMTAll youth football games would be required to have a doctor present to monitor possible concussions as part of legislation considered Friday by the New York City Council.The hearing focused on the safety of young players who are even more vulnerable to brain injuries than their counterparts in high school, college and professional leagues.All youth football games would be required to have a doctor present to monitor possible concussions as part of legislation considered Friday by the New York City Council.The hearing focused on the safety of young players who are even more vulnerable to brain injuries than their counterparts in high school, college and professional leagues.Updated: Friday, January 23 2015 11:06 PM EST2015-01-24 04:06:00 GMTThose under-inflated footballs are all anyone is talking about. A restaurant in the village is capitalizing on the scandal by letting the air out of some popular food treats. That is just one of many examples of brands, companies, and others having some fun with #Deflategate.Those under-inflated footballs are all anyone is talking about. A restaurant in the village is capitalizing on the scandal by letting the air out of some popular food treats. That is just one of many examples of brands, companies, and others having some fun with #Deflategate.Updated: Friday, January 23 2015 10:05 PM EST2015-01-24 03:05:50 GMTA snow, sleet and rain storm is expected to hit the New York metro area overnight into Saturday, but the snow accumulation could vary widely.Snow will start around midnight Saturday, but with warmer air moving in there will be a change to sleet, freezing rain, and eventually rain at sunrise. There will be a change back to snow towards the end of the storm.A snow, sleet and rain storm is expected to hit the New York metro area overnight into Saturday, but the snow accumulation could vary widely.Snow will start around midnight Saturday, but with warmer air moving in there will be a change to sleet, freezing rain, and eventually rain at sunrise. There will be a change back to snow towards the end of the storm.Updated: Friday, January 23 2015 8:07 AM EST2015-01-23 13:07:43 GMTNew York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says he’s confident he’ll be vindicated in the end after his arrest on conspiracy and bribery charge. A federal magistrate in Manhattan released the lawmaker on Thursday. The charges carry a potential penalty of up to 100 years in prison.New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says he’s confident he’ll be vindicated in the end after his arrest on conspiracy and bribery charge. A federal magistrate in Manhattan released the lawmaker on Thursday. The charges carry a potential penalty of up to 100 years in prison.Updated: Thursday, January 22 2015 6:44 PM EST2015-01-22 23:44:38 GMTWould you like the joy of cooking in your own home without lifting a finger? A service lets you take advantage of a professional chef who will whip up a meal and clean up for less than it costs to eat out. The service is called , which is also an app. For $25 per person, a certified chef comes to your home, cooks you dinner, and cleans it up.Would you like the joy of cooking in your own home without lifting a finger? A service lets you take advantage of a professional chef who will whip up a meal and clean up for less than it costs to eat out. The service is called , which is also an app. For $25 per person, a certified chef comes to your home, cooks you dinner, and cleans it up.Updated: Thursday, January 22 2015 5:38 PM EST2015-01-22 22:38:31 GMTThe base fare of a single subway or bus ride in New York City will go up a quarter, from $2.50 to $2.75.The Board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority on Thursday approved the hikes on the MetroCard, tolls at MTA bridges and tunnels, and fares on the commuter railroads.The base fare of a single subway or bus ride in New York City will go up a quarter, from $2.50 to $2.75.The Board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority on Thursday approved the hikes on the MetroCard, tolls at MTA bridges and tunnels, and fares on the commuter railroads.Updated: Wednesday, January 21 2015 10:39 PM EST2015-01-22 03:39:28 GMTThere are several ways to jam these days. One of which is the digital music service Spotify, which gave us some insight into the listening habits of New Yorkers. The service plays nearly any artist, song or album from your mobile, tablet or computer. In today’s digital age, 60 million users across the globe get their music on Spotify. According to Spotify trends expert Sharon Cook, New Yorkers have great taste.There are several ways to jam these days. One of which is the digital music service Spotify, which gave us some insight into the listening habits of New Yorkers. The service plays nearly any artist, song or album from your mobile, tablet or computer. In today’s digital age, 60 million users across the globe get their music on Spotify. According to Spotify trends expert Sharon Cook, New Yorkers have great taste.Updated: Wednesday, January 21 2015 9:34 PM EST2015-01-22 02:34:34 GMTMinister Kirsten Foy has been one of the top community organizers in Brooklyn. We visited the spot where two police officers were shot and killed. Minister Foye said that people in the community were traumatized by the assassination of Detectives Liu and Ramos. He said it was a wake-up call to many who understood the dangers of the job in only an abstract way. The corner where there was once a huge memorial has been cleared of the thousands of flowers, candles and cards.Minister Kirsten Foy has been one of the top community organizers in Brooklyn. We visited the spot where two police officers were shot and killed. Minister Foye said that people in the community were traumatized by the assassination of Detectives Liu and Ramos. He said it was a wake-up call to many who understood the dangers of the job in only an abstract way. The corner where there was once a huge memorial has been cleared of the thousands of flowers, candles and cards. [url=][/url] Well sleepingdragon I obviously don’t know who you are but yes I agree with you YAWN, settheworldonfire moans at everything ever written on hear, I dread to think what he or she is like in real life, the person must just live in total misery, with the world against him/her!!!!! I don’t agree with most things the Council do, Ive seen too much in my own area, yes some Council workers hide away and don’t do their job, but couldn’t that be levelled at anyone. Settheworldonfire must lead a perfect life, take no notice of him/her they always wrong, just have a look at other posts on the web site, the person just likes complaining and since I started responding to them, Ive not had a single reply. Am I right in thinking this story was about a clothing allowance, yet settheworldonfire ends up complaining about council staff!!!!!!!!!1 what planet does this person live on!!!!!!I am Victor Meldrew…………I was the person who started the debate about the clothing allowance if you check my posts…….Received plenty of praise from the echo about the info i gave about it….i will keep my complaints up…..whooooppppeee t 锘縖url=]toms shoes outlet online[/url]
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    One win from their previous 12 Premier League fixtures was not good enough and highlighted why Sunderland are still too close to the relegation zone for comfort. It is also hard to believe that they have had to wait until the visit of Burnley on January 31 for a second home league win of the season. [url=]Ray Ban Sunglasses[/url] It’s a really important weekend in the jumping calendar for northern racing as Wetherby stage a quality card tomorrow before Musselburgh stage their Cheltenham Trials day on Sunday.
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    If the motorist was caught out – fair enough. [url=]Michael Kors Handbags[/url] From Bern Haggerty LaramieThe Boy Scouts of America has just announced a radical change in policy. It is not what you think.In 1991, the Boy Scouts adopted their first formal policy excluding lesbian and gay youth and adults from membership, volunteer positions and employment.Congress and the president adopted similar policies, including the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy for the military and the Defense of Marriage Act, at about the same time. In the early 1990s, anti-gay discrimination was popular.Before 1991, the Boy Scouts’ policies were less formal, less uniform. But from 1991 onward, the Scouts required every troop to exclude gay kids and adults regardless of the theology, denomination or philosophy of its sponsoring organization.Many troops were sponsored by churches that ordained gay clergy, but even these troops were uniformly prohibited from allowing gay scouts or volunteers.The policies began to change two years ago when the National Council prohibited discrimination against gay and lesbian youth.This year, the Scouts appear ready to change the policy again, to prohibit discrimination against gay and lesbian adults.But the dramatic change in the 2015 policy is not an end to discrimination. It is an end to uniformity.The new policy will allow local troops to opt out, according to their religious beliefs.When equality-minded congregations and troops wanted to allow gay scoutmasters or merit badge counselors, they were forced to accept a uniform anti-gay policy.Now that the shoe is on the other foot, however, religious zealots have demanded, and apparently won, a special exemption.Today’s radical change in the Boy Scouts is not the adoption of an anti-discrimination policy but the adoption of a religious exemption policy.
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    For the final 15 minutes the visitors sent on Jon Macken, a striker who once cost Manchester City 拢5m, but Bamber Bridge mustered little in the way of a comeback as they headed for a demoralising second successive play-off final loss. [url=][/url] Key bills, Goods and Service Tax (GST) bill and the land acquisition bill, are expected to be presented during the Monsoon session, which starts from Tuesday.
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    That was my favorite one, he said. I just remember watching Ron Dayne. As a little kid you were thinking there was no way they were going to lose. [url=]Kate Spade Bags[/url] According to police, Sandhyalekha, a retired government employee came along with her sister Swarnalekha and two other relatives to an educational academy near Annapurna Kalyana Mandapam in a car. She kept a bag containing gold and silver ornaments in the car and asked Swarnalekha to sit inside while she went into the educational academy on some work. A stranger knocked on the window and pointed to eight Rs.10 currency notes lying on the road. As Swarnalekha got down to pick up the currency notes, the miscreant made away with the bag, Saroornagar Detective Inspector K. Sunil said. The police said the family was carrying another Rs. 40 lakh too. Apparently, the offenders had no inkling about it.
    With 39 receptions for 399 yards and three touchdowns, the 6-foot-3, 243-pound tight end is athletic with the versatility the Packers like at that position. [url=][/url] In a letter of June 13 under the heading How the Chancery Stole Waverly , Sister Jean-Marie Dunne, 88, accused church officials of not possessing a modicum of humility .
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